Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 30

The gal who works at the shelter is better than I am. She managed to get the former owner's (of the kitty) number, and found out who owned the cat now. Shelter called owner, owner called me, kitty gone by-by. He had been missing for three weeks.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010

Have another stray cat in our garage kennel. She has a rabies tag from a Bay-Arenac vet, but when I called them they said their records show the owner gave her away. Left messages everywhere I could think of. Waiting to hear if the shelter has had anyone looking for her. If not, .... She's a sweetie--tiger with white boots. She and B.T. are sort of co-existing in the garage. I locked him out for a while during the day so she could have the run of the garage. Not planning to do it longer than tomorrow morning, though.

Don and Regina came up last night. They stayed over and headed back about 6:15 tonight, as I was leaving for my historical committee meeting. Regina and I played Wii this afternoon while Bill and Don slept in the same room. Not much bothers either of them when they want a nap. :-) My Wii Fitness age with the left hand was 44 today. Didn't try it with the right hand. I also reached a new record bowling with my right hand--248. Regina beat me in one game, though.

Lita was home for the week end. It sure went fast, but was pleasant. No big projects to work on, or anywhere we had to be.

Sunday was exactly a year since Mary Louise died. Her sister, sister-in-law, good friend/neighbor, and I went to her church as the mass was in her honor. Then we went out for lunch. Was good to be with them and talk about good memories, but sure was an empty spot at the table.

Tilly says it is way past bed time, so guess I'd better take her advice. Hope everyone is well. If you read my blog, please leave a comment. Beginning to think no one is doing anything--reading or writing--with blogs anymore. Has FaceBook killed blogs?

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010

Lita came home for a few days last week.. We worked sorting bed linens and other stuff found while we were doing that. Took 3 garbage bags to Pet Friendz, a couple to Second Chance, and marked another couple for garage sale. If those don't sell, they will go to one of the others after the sale. So, got a lot more room in Trina's room, but still oodles to go through and get rid of.

While she was here, Bill asked if he might be able to get someone to take him up to Mackinaw City, so he could buy some pasties and smoked fish. Not sure how he would take such a ride, so going to get some smoked fish up by Bay City and get pasties another way. Nice to have him show interest in doing something, though.

The home aide that was coming regularly has taken in a couple of foster children, so I'm in the process of trying to get some other gals lined up to give me a break now and then. I knew it couldn't last forever, but was hoping for longer than a month. Oh well, we take what we can get.

Did you all hear that "our" (meaning the Thumb's) wolverine died? No one knows where she came from, but we know she will be stuffed and used for educational purposes. I was a bit surprised to know that although we are the Wolverine State, as far as 'the experts' know, no wolverines ever lived in Michigan until she showed up six years ago. Now, once again Michigan is wolverineless. I had hoped they would import a mate for her, but I don't think I would have wanted to share my yard with her and a family. :-)

Keep well. Enjoy spring.