Time to choose my next wall calendar. Have five or six freebies, but none of them really catch my eye. Maybe I'll combine pictures from a couple of them to make one I like. :-)
I'm convinced finally that I'm not adopted. When I reached 70 and had no sign of the Milano/Wierman/Sterner...skin cancer, I figured I must not really belong to those families. Well, went to the dermatologist in Dec., and he did a biopsy on one spot on my forehead. I received a report that it is Basel Cell Carcinoma, and I have an appointment to go in next month to decide how we're going to get rid of it. As far as I know, I was the last one in our generation to get it.
Got a surprise a few weeks ago when I discovered a young fellow, who helps me out now and then, had put Christmas lights on the house. When the kids were young, we used to put some on the porch and around the window, but we've never had them on the roof. They sure look cheery when I come home at night.
Both Trina and Lita came for Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving we ate with Bill at the facility, but the next day we went to a local restaurant and got take-out. Bill really liked that, because we got him chicken cacciatori.
Trina didn't make it for Christmas, but Lita did. We ate most of our meals with Bill. Watched some TV and a movie with him, and on Sunday night went to the theater to see Alvin and the Chipmonks in "Chipwrecked". Missed "Happy Feet Two", but may still get a chance to see it. If not, Lita can get it for us from Netfliz.
We're getting a very wet snow on top of rain, so expect a slippery world tomorrow. The porch is more slippery than it's ever been, 'cause I had it painted last year. Think next summer I'll have another coat put on and then sprinkle sand on it. I remember Mom did that with her porch and it really made a difference.
Went to a house tour in Frankenmuth a few weeks ago. Won a prize from Harry and David's. Imagine my surprise to find out that rather than winning chocolates, I won a basket full of Yankee candles. Very nice gift for anyone who burns candles, and a lot healthier for me than chocolates. :-)
Well, that about does it for this time. Hope you all had a great Christmas and will have a blessed New Yesr.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Dec. 27, 2011
Posted by jki at 6:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 28, 2011
Oct. 28, 2011
Oh how time passes--whether you're having fun or not.
Have seen Jerry Garcia (gospel singer) three times since I last posted. One time he came to the care facility and performed there.
Have had a bunch of doctor appointments and more to come, but mostly regular check-ups. One good piece of news is that although I'd gone five or six years since having my bone density test, there were no negatives on it. The nurse says that is extrordinary for my age. (Probably all that ice cream I work into my diet.)
Lita came home Sep. 20-Oct. 1. Went through most of the kitchen cupboards. Threw out a lot of out-dated stuff, and donated a box of current stuff I wouldn't use to the local food pantry. Bill bought a lot of things I don't use. Besides, I eat out too much to need much food in the house. Sometimes think I should eat at home more, but my food costs are way down even with all I eat out. Can eat for $1.05 at Taco Bell and less than $2 at Mickey D's. Never was too fussy about what I ate, and don't usually get tired of any food, either. Lita also taught me to always take half of my meal home, so I usually have a meal for the next day.
Back to rocking babies while mothers enjoy a few hours w/o them. This year most of them are pretty calm and easy to handle. Have only done it once in Reese. Twice they called and said they would only have one baby, so a local woman would do it.
The girls planned a surprise birthday party for me this year. A friend asked if I would take her to the bed and breakfast where one of the ladies does alterations. When we walked in, four more of my friends were already there. Had a good lunch, but the highlight was that Bill had told Lita where the recipe was for the white, lemon-filled cake with Aunt Jenny's 7-minute frosting was. She took the recipe over and that was the cake we had. That was the one Mom always made for our birthdays when I was young. Bill made it for me a few times, but I have never tried it. I received three gift certificates to my favorite restaurant--It costs more than $2, but gives me two meals. :-)
Bill is doing pretty well and seems quite content. I try to make it over for at least a while five days a week. We often watch an 8:00 TV program before I come home. I've taken my (turquoise) bean bag over, so we get comfortable. Biggest problems we have are he doesn't like them unplugging his lift chair (so he can't forget and try to get up by himelf) and taking pills. I figure that if that is the worst, we're in pretty good shape. His sister and brother-in-law came one afternoon and spent a few hours with us.
Took three other ladies to see Dolphin's Tale. Loved it! Wish they had a lot more of that type.
Lita is in town this week end. We haven't actually made plans, but know we're going to take a McRib Sandwich up to Bill. She also has a documentary on Wolverines that features the one which lived here in the thumb for about six years. Looking forward to that.
Posted by jki at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 10, 2011
September 11, 2011
Today is a day in infamy, on the level of Pearl Harbor. May everyone feel the unity that we on that day ten years ago, and honor those heroes that gave their lives for others, along with those who lost so much on that day.
This has been a good week for me. Sunday I went to my cousin Fernie's, where my brother, Jerry, and his wife, Laura; my cousin, Bruce, and his wife, Dorothy; my cousin, Arlene; and my cousin Lloyd's widow and daughter all met. Had a great time catching up on each other, and looking at photos of past reunions. So glad I've found someone who will come spend some time with Tilly. May be able to do a little more traveling now.
Have had a great time taking care of and/or playing with two German Short-hair pointer, five poodles, a beijon frieze, a beijon/Maltese mix, a samoyd, and a kitty that reminds me of George.
Also picked up pears and walnuts and picked green beans. My fridge is full of healthy food, now.
This afternoon Daniel came by with a friends' red convertible and took me for a drive. Been a long time since I've ridden in one of those. Reminded me of the ride us kids took in Richie's white convertible on Christmas day, but was much more comfortable weather.
Still need to wrap and send penguins, clear off the kitchen table so I (hopefully) don't lose and bills, clean up the living room so I can start a monthly game day with some friends and go out and pull up the golden rod and night shade that has taken over my yard and garden. Trumpet Vine is getting out of control, too.
Having a bit of trouble settling down tonight. Maybe I'll go try again. Night.
Posted by jki at 10:28 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 27, 2011
August 27, 2011
Bill invited me over to watch "National Treasure" with him tonight, but instead I went over, ate supper with him then headed to a gospel concert with Doug Day. Couldn't believe how few people were there! But, he sang as if he had a full house. Wish he came to this area more than once a year.
Haven't said anything about Medicaid because I didn't want to jinx us. Looks like Bill is eligible beginning April 1. Last week, on consecutive days, I got copies of the same paperwork, although the numbers were different on each. So, still waiting to see what (if) they decide. Still planning to have a hearing and see if we can't get it retroactive to the first of the year. Sure will be glad when it is all over. Then, I'll have to start working on figures for the yearly review.
Not much else happening here, except getting the last of the penguins ready to mail out. Gonna miss searching for those in the antique stores. :-)
Posted by jki at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 30, 2011
July 30, 2011
Been a busy few days. Lita took off a couple days from work and came to town Wed. evening. We had dinner with Bill on Wed., then took him a pulled pork B-B-Q from Subway on Friday. She went over to watch a movie with him tonight, so I'm catching up a little.
We cleaned out 7 1/2 shelves of kithen cupboards. Got some more stuff set aside for the next garage sale. Even threw away a few things--like spices that Bill and I had before we were married nearly 44 years ago. :-)
Sorted several bags of books and have nearly two paper grocery bags ready to take to a friend whose church is having a book sale in August. Have several more boxes I'm going to go through and see if I can part with some more.
Got all of the West Bend Penquins out of the closet where they were stored. Going to parcel them out to some of the family members who don't have one. Lita found an article on them which says they are now selling for $40 - $80 apiece in antique stores. Sure glad we started buying them when they were $5 - $10, although I think the last one we bought was around $20. Right now they are sitting all around my living room. Kind of pretty, but hard to walk around. :-)
She also took (will take) a couple boxes of my Sharing God with Young Children books back to Grand Rapids. She knows a lady who is passing them out to Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS). That cleared out quite a spot in the corner of her former bedroom. Going to meet her at Bill's around 10:30 tomorrow morning. She's going to take off for Grand Rapids when his lunch comes--I'm going to skip church and have lunch with him.
That's about it for now. Maybe I'll go sort some books before bed.
Posted by jki at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
July 26, 2011
Went up to Hart for a couple days to spend some time with Jerry and his family. Was great to see all of the kids and get reacquainted with the older ones and meet the new ones. Didn't get in the sun, because I'd been on medication that reacts to the sun. While they were in the sun at the beach, I napped up in the trees. We celebrated a couple of birthdays and just had a good time visiting and catching up.
Had people coming three times a day to feed and baby Tilly. She seemed to do pretty well. I may even think about getting away a bit more.
This week I am caring for a friend's dogs in the morning and early afternoon. Their son takes care of them after work and in the evening. Got a shock this morning to find a pile of pills on the living room floor when I got there. Picked up all I could find after checking between the couch cushions and down in the cracks around the cushions in the chairs. Out of 200, I found 196 1/2 pills. The dogs didn't act strangely when I went back in the afternoon, so didn't take them to the vet. Call an animal poison control hot line, but they wanted $65 to answer my question, so didn't ask them anything. They have quite a group: 2 German Short-hair pointers and a toy poodle.
Bill is doing about the same. He's very good about understanding when I call and tell him I'm not going to make it that day. Try to make it about 5 times a week, but don't always. His birthday was the 21st. The girls sent him a gorgeous arrangement of flowers. They had already gotten him an Ipod earlier in the year. He sure enjoys that. Hard to know what to get him, there isn't much he needs. Take him snacks a couple of times a week, but have to watch, because we don't want him to gain weight.
Not much else to write about, so will close for now. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.
Posted by jki at 1:54 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 11, 2011
July 11, 2011
Still waiting to hear from Medicaid. Personnally I think they're dragging their feet because I didn't play nice, but the gal in my lawyer's office says that isn't true. They had told me they have 45 days in which to process an application. The first one took the full 45 days. The second one took less than two weeks (did it before I got all the info in that they asked for) and now, this one has been around 60 days. Linda says that 45-day thing is just an in-house goal, it's nothing they can be held to.
Had a garage sale in June. Three of us had stuff in it. Made $200d dollars all together. Now, I'm unpacking some of the "old" stuff we have. Going to call a few antique dealers and see if they will come check it out. If they all say it's not worth buying as antiques, I'll put it in the next garage sale. Had half-planned to have a second garage sale this summer, but may wait until next year. (If I'm not here then, someone else can worry about it.)
Spent most of July 1 & 2 in the emergency room. The first day the doc told me to take a laxative. Said "You are not dehydrated. You are not cantagious." The second day a different doctor told me "You are dehydrated. You have a form of the flu. (means I'm contagious) You have a urinary infection."
On the 8th, went to my optomitrist and discovered I have an eye infection. Think I'll hibernate for a couple weeks and see if I can start this month over from the beginning. :-)
Other than that, things are pretty much the same around here. Hope all of you are having a great summer.
Posted by jki at 9:51 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 28, 2011
April 20 2011
If you think you can't afford to pay a lawyer to help you apply for medicaid, think again. They may save you thousands of dollars. Of course you might do all right if you have a case worker who knows what he is doing and cares, but I didn't have that advantage. Anyway, the gal working with me is to turn in the application today. She promised I won't have to pay the nursing home for April. Sure praying her promise is good. Am requesting a hearing to see if I can get the Medicaid retroactive, because of information that was incorrect or not given to me. We'll see.
The girls (and others) had been urging me to get a new furnace. I kept telling them I wanted to see just how long it would keep going. Well, I found out. It was the Fri. when we were having nice warm weather, so didn't worry about it. Then, it turned cold, and I got sick. A friend brought over a couple of space heaters, on the next Fri., so that halped a lot. The following Monday the mew furnace was in and running. The old one had been installed in 1960, so we sure got a lot of wear out of it.
This morning I got up about five and went to a friend's house where the Red Hatters gathered to watch the wedding Everybody seemed to really like Catherine's dress, but it was way too plain for my taste. At least she didn't look like she was being sacrificed the way Diana did. Hope they can keep it together. Thought Elizabeth and Phillip looked pretty darn good for their ages. Didn't see enough of the red head to suit me. Hope they have all that hoopla when he gets married. :-)
Guess that's it for now.
Posted by jki at 7:06 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 2, 2011
April 2, 2011
Taking a break from my naps. Fighting a cold and decided I probably shouldn't be in the nursing home. Have slept off and on most of the time since yesterday afternoon. May spend another day doing the same. (Yes, Rhea, Trina comes by it naturally.) :-)
Another month gone. Eye surgery went well. Had post-op visit last week and doc took the stiches out. Unless there is a problem, I don't have to go back for a year. No pain, didn't even take a Tylenol. It's a bit runny yet, but that doesn't surprise me.
Not much happening. Still working to get approved for Medicaid. 'Fraid I'm going to end up having to 'spend down' by paying a month at the facility. Can think of things I'd rather use it for, but I'm just too slow making decisions and figuring out how to follow through on them. Sure wish I hadn't made the local elder-care lawyer mad at me. I'm sure it would have gone much better if she had been handling it. I keep trying to remember, "God is in control." and "He will provide.", but can't help wondering how sometimes. Bill has been in rehab for five weeks this time and is not showing a lot of improvement. Doesn't seem to remember instructions from minute to minute, let alone day-to-day. Still good natured, so can['t ask for a whole lot more. :-)
Glad it's starting to warm up a bit. Actually got out and weeded a bit in the Iris bed. Has been two or three years since I did anything with it. Thought they'd all be dead, but have found a few popping their heads up through the matted grass. Pulled some of it out to give them room to breathe. Just hope I haven't exposed them too much to the frost.
Couple more weeks of rocking babies, then I'll have to go back to getting my kicks from the neighborhood animals. At least that way, I'll be doing more walking. :-)
Posted by jki at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
March 12, 2011
Wow! Bill has a real taskmaster in rehab this time! She keeps 'yelling' (not loud), "Come on, move faster, you'll never make it at this rate, you can do it, etc., etc., etc.) He takes it pretty well and (I think) even tries a little harder. The other day she sat on a stool with wheels, and they had a couple of races. :-) I'm sure it would all go better if he had ever exercised in his life, but we can't worry about that now. Of course she didn't know him before, so she doesn't know what she is working against. Almost have to laugh when she tries to get him to stand or sit 'tall'. He has slouched ever since I've known him. Wonder of wonders, though, he actually doesn stand a little straighter while she is working with him.
She's showing me a lot of things I never knew, and is afteer me not to let him fool me into thinking he can't do it. Our hall walks are going a lot faster than they used to--and farther. She tries to come between noon and one, so I don't have to sit there for hours wondering when he'l be going to rehab. He's so tired when he gets done, that he's ready for a nap, so I usually leave and often go back in the evening to make sure he does his 'walking' in the evening. She is also ordering the restorative program again, because she knows actually walking once a day is not enough. Thank God for the staff that encourage him to walk to the bathroom instead of just pushing the wheel chair up in front of him because it is easier and quicker. There are some very special people there.
Have started the re-application process. Sure hope it goes through this time. Took it directly to DHS and the fellow went through it line by line and made a list of the info I still have to get copies of for him. Still a few things we don't know where Bill put--and I don't know what I did with my birth certificate. So, guess he's not the only one that doesn't put things where they can be found. :-)
Haven't walked much this winter, time to get back at it. Sidewalks are showing, so it should be easier than it has been.
Tilly is still waking me up in the wee hours to give her a treat. Then she goes back to bed with me for a few hours. She doesn't think I should sleep past nine anymore, though. Now we're working toward being up by 8:30. Wonder if daylight savings time will change her schedule.
Repeat eyelid surgery on the right eye in ten days. Sure hope it works this time!
Posted by jki at 7:11 AM 2 comments
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Feb. 27, 2011
Got a little snow last night, but most of it melted today. Week of Feb. 13-19 was pretty busy. I stayed nights with a friend and her grandson while her daughter and son-in-law went on vacation. Tried to hit the facility each day for a while, and the house two or three times a day to spend some time with the kitties. Marianne and I found a little time to talk and run around. She even fed me several times. Had to take Brandon into practice of for a game a couple times, but no problem except for one night when Kathy had left word that the bus would probably be at the school about 8:30. By 9, Marianne was getting worried because we hadn't heard from him, so I went up to the school to wait. Found out while up there (about 10), that it was usually around 10 or later when they got back. Except for the fact that I could have been home holding Tilly, I didn't mind. I was sitting under a light post and got several chapters of my book read. I am always looking for a chance to read, anyway.
Finally got a baby fix. Reese has canceled several of their sessions and Caro canceled on the 4th. Finally everything clicked on the 18th. I had the little girl knows as "The Screamer", but she never made a sound the whole time. She was tired when I got there (9:15), rubbing her eyes and sucking her thumb, but it was 11 before she finally conked out. Loved holding her and rocking--and not hearing any crying, even when another one cried. another week and I get to do it again.
Have started Seniorcize again. Very easy, mostly stretching exercises. Wish I'd make time to do them between sessions. I really do feel better when I get out of there.
Bill is getting started up in rehab again, to see if they can get him a little bit stronger. Going to try and get there when they are doing it and see what's happening. That may mean spending a lot more time over there than I have been, because they can't (or won't) give me a time when he will be going.
We were rejected for Medicaid, so I have to make final decisions and get our funerals paid for. That should dimiinish our assets enough to make us eligible.
Other than that, it's pretty much the samo, samo. Time flies.
Posted by jki at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Feb. 2, 2011
Got to give those folks who work at the Home credit. Now, they get Bill all settled in his lift chair--laying back with his feet up--and uplug the chair control so he has to push the button if he wants to get up. As good as they are, a nursing home is NOT a place to be preferred. It would be better, I think, if the government dropped some of their (to me) stupid rules, but in this world that would open the home to a lot of lawsuits. Of course, people like me might consider sueing them for 'taking away his rights', even if they do tell me there are things they can't do because it's his right to say, 'No'. Guess it's just one more of those cases where you can't win no matter what you do. The world looked nice and bright this afternoon after the sun came out, but I didn't bother to go out and see it up close. :-)
Posted by jki at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 31, 2011
Jan. 31, 2011
Well, they found a couple more places to put alarms in case Bill tries to get around on his ow. Can't remember if I said before that they put one on his bathroom door, but I had to learn how to turn it off so it wouldn't go off everytime I went in to get water to soak his teeth in, etc. I'm surprised he hasn't turned it off--yet. The last time he landed on his butt, the put an alarm UNDER the seat of his wheel chair. He might figure out how to turn it off, but he can't reach it. (At least not unless he is already lying under the chair.)
Went back to see the doctor who did my eye lid lift. He agrees that it is worse (lower) than it was before the surgery. So...going to have another procedure done in March. Sure hope this one takes care of it. The surgery really isn't that bad, but those trips in to Saginaw are taking up time that I could be spending having fun. :-) Also went for a follow-up visit from my optomitrist. He wanted to see what was happening in my left eye. Fortunately he says it is looking better than last time he saw it. Still don't have new glasses after my cataract surgery. (was that almost two years ago?) Now, they say I should wait until the new surgery heals before I get them. One of these days--I hope.
Bill is sounding very congested again. I warned the management nurse that it sounds similar to what was going on a couple days before he ended up in the hospital. She said the doctor had seen him and felt it was viral and he would soon be over it. He's not running a fever, so that's a good sign. Believe me, I'll be keeping an eye on it. He had a pneumonia shot several years back when he was in the hospital, but has had it at least twice since then. And, he's never had a flu shot. So far he's almost never had the flu, but the nurse reminded me that he's never been in a situation where so many people are coming and going.
I'm still getting (most) of the essential things done, but not always. Seems like I just shut down when I walk through the front door. Maybe if I ever get it cleaned out, the junk will stop draining all the energy from me.
Have gotten back into going to church. Like that the preacher actually preaches from the Bible, and even holds it up once in a while, but don't think I'll ever actually be a Baptist. :-) At least now, there is something to remind me when one week ends and another starts. Thank God for good friends who will come pick me up so it isn't so easy to say, "Maybe next week."
Posted by jki at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 21, 2011
Jan. 21, 2011
Bill is now a long-term resident at the Medical Care Facility. He was discharged from re-hab because he wasn't making enough progress. He is not in what they call the restorative program. Not sure exacty what that encompasses, but they have walked him (with his walker) several times. He still doesn't want to do any socializing (or 'classes'), but once in a while they con him into one. Had his lift chair taken out there, so he is a bit more comfortable than sitting in the wheelchair all day. However, he has fallen twice trying to transfer from the wheelchair to his lift chair. He just won't push that little button to get someone to come help him. Of course, he never would ask me for help when he was home, so what can we expect? They have rearranged his room so every time they walk by they can look in and make sure he is okay. The workers are great and give us a little leeway (like me staying late to wath TV with him). Meals are (mostly) pretty good. I watch the menu and keep some meal tickets in my purse so if I'm there and it looks good I can stay. :-) Been dang cold the last couple weeks. Haven't walked Buster, or even made my rounds to visit my four-footed friends. Sure not gertting the exercise I did when I had my own dog. At least it is staying light longer. That's always a good sign.
Posted by jki at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 3, 2011
Jan. 3, 2011
It's been a busy tim. A belated HAPPY NEW YEARS!! to everyone. Spent an afternoon at the funeral home, planning Bill and my funerals. It's a lot more fun doing it when there's not someone in the next room waiting to use the casket. :-) Got a new pair of orthopedic shoes. For the first time in years, they have a new color--beige. How convenient, since I recently bought several blouses and pants that are mostly brown and beige.
Lita came Christmas afternoon and we did have supper with Bill. During the week end she got some new ear phones which actually work in his room. Now, I don't have to have my ears blasted when I watch TV with him. We had six big moving boxes full of collectible boxes (the boxes aren't collectible, they are boxes that held collectibles). We got rid of a lot of them and consolidated what was left into two boxes. Filled the four boxes with cardboard and strofoam and took them out to recycling. Lita left Thursday morning, and I spent the afternoon with a friend, then went over and had supper with Bill.
This morning I went over early enough to watch Bill in rehab. He's complaining about his knee and hip hurting and really doesn't try very hard to do what he is asked to do. Some of it may be 'forgetfulness', but we all know he always did refuse to exercise.
Posted by jki at 1:01 PM 1 comments