Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan. 31, 2011

Well, they found a couple more places to put alarms in case Bill tries to get around on his ow. Can't remember if I said before that they put one on his bathroom door, but I had to learn how to turn it off so it wouldn't go off everytime I went in to get water to soak his teeth in, etc. I'm surprised he hasn't turned it off--yet. The last time he landed on his butt, the put an alarm UNDER the seat of his wheel chair. He might figure out how to turn it off, but he can't reach it. (At least not unless he is already lying under the chair.)

Went back to see the doctor who did my eye lid lift. He agrees that it is worse (lower) than it was before the surgery. So...going to have another procedure done in March. Sure hope this one takes care of it. The surgery really isn't that bad, but those trips in to Saginaw are taking up time that I could be spending having fun. :-) Also went for a follow-up visit from my optomitrist. He wanted to see what was happening in my left eye. Fortunately he says it is looking better than last time he saw it. Still don't have new glasses after my cataract surgery. (was that almost two years ago?) Now, they say I should wait until the new surgery heals before I get them. One of these days--I hope.

Bill is sounding very congested again. I warned the management nurse that it sounds similar to what was going on a couple days before he ended up in the hospital. She said the doctor had seen him and felt it was viral and he would soon be over it. He's not running a fever, so that's a good sign. Believe me, I'll be keeping an eye on it. He had a pneumonia shot several years back when he was in the hospital, but has had it at least twice since then. And, he's never had a flu shot. So far he's almost never had the flu, but the nurse reminded me that he's never been in a situation where so many people are coming and going.

I'm still getting (most) of the essential things done, but not always. Seems like I just shut down when I walk through the front door. Maybe if I ever get it cleaned out, the junk will stop draining all the energy from me.

Have gotten back into going to church. Like that the preacher actually preaches from the Bible, and even holds it up once in a while, but don't think I'll ever actually be a Baptist. :-) At least now, there is something to remind me when one week ends and another starts. Thank God for good friends who will come pick me up so it isn't so easy to say, "Maybe next week."

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jan. 21, 2011

Bill is now a long-term resident at the Medical Care Facility. He was discharged from re-hab because he wasn't making enough progress. He is not in what they call the restorative program. Not sure exacty what that encompasses, but they have walked him (with his walker) several times. He still doesn't want to do any socializing (or 'classes'), but once in a while they con him into one. Had his lift chair taken out there, so he is a bit more comfortable than sitting in the wheelchair all day. However, he has fallen twice trying to transfer from the wheelchair to his lift chair. He just won't push that little button to get someone to come help him. Of course, he never would ask me for help when he was home, so what can we expect? They have rearranged his room so every time they walk by they can look in and make sure he is okay. The workers are great and give us a little leeway (like me staying late to wath TV with him). Meals are (mostly) pretty good. I watch the menu and keep some meal tickets in my purse so if I'm there and it looks good I can stay. :-) Been dang cold the last couple weeks. Haven't walked Buster, or even made my rounds to visit my four-footed friends. Sure not gertting the exercise I did when I had my own dog. At least it is staying light longer. That's always a good sign.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jan. 3, 2011

It's been a busy tim. A belated HAPPY NEW YEARS!! to everyone. Spent an afternoon at the funeral home, planning Bill and my funerals. It's a lot more fun doing it when there's not someone in the next room waiting to use the casket. :-) Got a new pair of orthopedic shoes. For the first time in years, they have a new color--beige. How convenient, since I recently bought several blouses and pants that are mostly brown and beige.

Lita came Christmas afternoon and we did have supper with Bill. During the week end she got some new ear phones which actually work in his room. Now, I don't have to have my ears blasted when I watch TV with him. We had six big moving boxes full of collectible boxes (the boxes aren't collectible, they are boxes that held collectibles). We got rid of a lot of them and consolidated what was left into two boxes. Filled the four boxes with cardboard and strofoam and took them out to recycling. Lita left Thursday morning, and I spent the afternoon with a friend, then went over and had supper with Bill.

This morning I went over early enough to watch Bill in rehab. He's complaining about his knee and hip hurting and really doesn't try very hard to do what he is asked to do. Some of it may be 'forgetfulness', but we all know he always did refuse to exercise.