It's been a long time. For weeks I have not been able to solve the scrambled letters challenge, so could mot get into my blog. Daniel did it today, wiithout having to solve the puzzle. I don't know when they changed it, or if I'll be able to get into it again.
This past week end Lita came over and took me up to Lincoln (near Alpena) for a friend's wedding. Was a beautiful week en. It was warm, but cool breeze and lots of sunshine. One night we went for a walk and saw a group of 7 or 8 deer grazing in someone's front yard. They didn't hang around once they saw that I had my camera. She brought a rhubarb pie over, so we took a couple pieces to Bill (one each of two days). This year our rhubarb is turning brown and drying up before it is big enough to pick. This stuff (a fungus or something) started decades ago in our corn crop. It has pretty much spread to most plants in our yard.
Bill is doing well at the facility now that I have quit trying to get him to exercise. Sun. night I went over after 8:30, and we watched Jesse Sone together. First time I've met anyone from third shift. His favorite gal has transferred to first floor, so he's having to break in a new one, but he seems to have taken it pretty well.
Trina and Lita spent ten days in Israel the first part of March. One of the pastors posted on a blog each night. It was fun to know what they were doing and sometimes see photos of them until he posted a photo of a sign saying something to the effect of don't wander off the road, there are mine fields on both sides. Included on that post were photos of cars that had slidden off the road due to the snow fall.
A couple other gals and I hosted the Red Hat meeting this month. One of the others bought some little blooming plants, put them in small plastic cups and put them by each plate. They were cute.
Mr. and Mrs. Robin are working on their second brood for this year in the nest over the back porch light. Sure am glad Bill put a board up there six or seven years ago so they could make a good nest. This is at least the fourth time it's been used to raise a brood. Makes the view out the kitchen window a lot more pleasant.
Guess that's it for now. Hope I can get back on when I'm ready to post again.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Posted by jki at 7:54 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 1, 2012
March 1,2012
Had one of the staff come up and show me how to get on to the computer in the Facilitiy's library, so I could show Bill some of the photos out there. Now, we'll see if I can do it again tomorrow. :-)
Had his Care Conference yesterday. I asked them about the possibility of getting a little table to put on the other side of the bed, to put his CPAP on. His nightstand was a real clutter of tubes, cords, etc. No way they could put the phone next to the bed when he was in it. This afternoon I went over, and someone had brought in a small stool that worked perfectly. The nightstand is quite clutter free now.
He is back in the wheelchair that he liked, even though he is a little heavy for it. He sure is better natured than when he was in the bigger one.
Made sure he is registered (or whatever you call it) to be an organ donar if the worst happens.
When I got there this afternoon, he was on his way down to the library to see if he could get on the computer and look up "alternate mouse". I had told him that my hand hurt if I played too much solitaire. I thought he would just say, "Good. Don't play", but instead, he is trying to figure out how to get me a mouse that won't hurt my hand. Think I'll stay with the one I've got for a while and see if I can at least partly conquer my addiction. :-)
My friend, Janet Markham (her husband is Bill, also) has to go in for further surgery next Wed. She fell a couple weeks ago and really smashed up her upper left arm. They checked it today, and it isn't lined up properly, so they have to go in again. Sure hope it works right this time.
Guess that pretty much covers it for this time. Think spring!
Posted by jki at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 9, 2012
Jan. 9, 2012
Went to the dermatologist today. Go back on the 17th to have the spot removed. He said there are several kinds of basel cell. The one I have is called "agressive". I'd never heard there were separate kinds. Should be a good day to get in some extra reading.
Not much else happening around here, but wanted to let you know.
Posted by jki at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 5, 2012
January 5, 2012
Been a strange past few days. The mother of one of my good friends died. My good friend in her mid-eighties fell and broke her upper arm in four places while on the way home from Indiana. They were stopping for lunch last Sun. when she fell. Got a call late tonight that they are back. I watch her cat while she is gone. Think I may be going over to see her often, as she won't be able to handle the litter box for a while. Tonight another friend ended up in emergency. I went over, got her dog and took him to the kennel. They sent her back home, but she sure wasn't in any condition to handle a dog his size tonight.
Took B.T. in to emergency clinic in Saginaw on Sat. afternoon. Hadn't eaten since Fri. morning. They gave him fluids, something for his stomach, and an antibiotic. Took him in to our vet Mon. morning. Can't find out what's bothering him. They force fed him three times, then saw him eat a couple bites of dry food this afternoon, so told me to bring him home. Soon as I let him out of the carrier, he headed for the dry food dish. Didn't eat much, but it was a start. When I got home several hours later, he was crying by the door to the garage. Bout went crazy when I went out with a dish of moist food, and the bowl was licked clean a short while later. This was the way he acted last Aug. when I took him in to the emergency clinic. Wish I knew what it is. Seriously considering making him an indoor cat, even if his indoors only consists of the garage.
Was a bit (quite a bit) upset when the records showed that Bill gained ten pounds last month. Felt a little better after talking to the nurse. She said they had gotten a new scale and 50 or 60 residents had gained ten pounds. So, maybe it's inacurate scale instead of too much food. They are going to re-weigh everyone. Hope his comes out ten pounds lighter.
Sorry for the skiers and those running ski slopes, but sure have enjoyed the weather we're having.
Posted by jki at 9:15 PM 3 comments