Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1,2012

Had one of the staff come up and show me how to get on to the computer in the Facilitiy's library, so I could show Bill some of the photos out there. Now, we'll see if I can do it again tomorrow. :-)

Had his Care Conference yesterday. I asked them about the possibility of getting a little table to put on the other side of the bed, to put his CPAP on. His nightstand was a real clutter of tubes, cords, etc. No way they could put the phone next to the bed when he was in it. This afternoon I went over, and someone had brought in a small stool that worked perfectly. The nightstand is quite clutter free now.

He is back in the wheelchair that he liked, even though he is a little heavy for it. He sure is better natured than when he was in the bigger one.

Made sure he is registered (or whatever you call it) to be an organ donar if the worst happens.

When I got there this afternoon, he was on his way down to the library to see if he could get on the computer and look up "alternate mouse". I had told him that my hand hurt if I played too much solitaire. I thought he would just say, "Good. Don't play", but instead, he is trying to figure out how to get me a mouse that won't hurt my hand. Think I'll stay with the one I've got for a while and see if I can at least partly conquer my addiction. :-)

My friend, Janet Markham (her husband is Bill, also) has to go in for further surgery next Wed. She fell a couple weeks ago and really smashed up her upper left arm. They checked it today, and it isn't lined up properly, so they have to go in again. Sure hope it works right this time.

Guess that pretty much covers it for this time. Think spring!