Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy Few Days

Home health nurse came Fri. She wasn't real happy with the cluttered family room that Bill lives in. I assured her that I had plans to clear out some of the junk. That nightLita came. Saturday we got Daniel over for a couple hours. He and Lita put The big green chair from the living room into the garage (When the weather is a bit nicer, we'll put it out by the road for someone to take.),then put my little recliner in the living room. We put a bookcase on one side of Bill's chair and an end table that Richie made on the other side. Now there is a lot wider space for him to walk through (and for Lita and me to play Wii). Daniel also carried some more "to sort" boxes out into the garage. Sure got my sorting work cut out for me.

Sun. Lita went through the stuff on the kitchen counter and helped me get rid of stuff and rearange what belong there. Looks pretty darn good, if I do say so.

Getting calls from all the home health care workers wanting to come see and evaluate Bill (and me) and start setting up a schedule. Just wish they could set things up at least a day ahead, these 8 o'clock calls asking if they can come the next afternoon (when I already have plans for that afternoon) are already starting to bug me. Guess they think I'm supposed to do nothing but sit here and wait for people to come and work with Bill and let my activities go by the wayside. Are they in for a surprise!

Yesterday the nurse and the occupational therapist came before I took off for Birch Run with a friend. I got home in time to fix his supper. This afternoon I take him to the doctor in Saginaw. Tomorrow the social worker comes. Thurs. the nurse (and maybe aide) come. We should get a bit of a break over the weekend. That's when I'm supposed to start going through all those boxes of junk. :-)

Hope you're all haviong a great week.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here we go again

Nurse from home health care came this afternoon to evaluate Bill and see what they can do to help. So, for a while we will be juggling occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurse, and aide appointments. I am thankful for the help, but it sure gets hectic trying to fit all those appointments in along with my appointments--naps, animals, and other fun activities. Not to mention the writing and housekeeping I should be doing.

Went to Murdogs and had BBQ ribs after his foot appointment. Boy, were they good! (Sorry Kelly. I did think of you while I was eating them.)

Tomorrow I go rock babies in the morning and take a diabetic education class in the afternoon. In the evening I go to the church for scrapbooking, craft and game night. Also, Lita comes tomorrow night. Looks like a few busy(ier) days coming up. At least Lita has learned to (usually) respect my nap time, thank goodness.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bill's hospital stay

Thursday morning about 4:30 I heard the emergency speaker calling EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY. Just as I got to the family room, she asked "Bill, do you need help? Should I call someone?" At the same time I said, "No, I'm here now," he said, "Yes, I need help." She heard me, and cut the connection. Then I turned to Bill (who was on the floor) and asked why he said he needed help. He said he thought he should go to the hospital and have his heart checked. Since he usually doesn't want me to call anyone, I decided I'd better do what he said. (Didn't want to get him back in the chair and go back to bed, 'cause I didn't want to wake up and find him dead in the chair.)

After a few hours they said they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. About 1p.m. they got him upstairs and into bed. He was supposed to get his left shoulder x-rayed that afternoon, but never did. The next day they kept waiting for the x-rays, until someone finally decided they hadn't been taken. The nurse came in and apologized, and said she had called and they were coming up to get him so they could x-ray his right shoulder. When I told her it was his left shoulder, she looked at me and said, "Are you sure?" When I said I was, she saiid, "Well, we'll have both shoulders x-rayed."

The next morning when Trina called, they still hadn't had the x-rays taken. I got a call in the afternoon saying that if the x-ray came back negative, he would be discharged. A while later got the call to come get him.

Daniel was over helping me get stuff away from the windows so the new ones can be installed on Tues & Wed., so I told her I'd be a bit late. Daniel and I woked for a couple hours. I took him home and went on to get Bill. We were back about 7 p.m.

So, we're back to what has been our 'normal' the last few months.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Well, I brought my Vibe home, but without the decorations. They (the decorations) are in my storage closet, but the gal told me it needs to be ovet 55 degrees before I put them on. Guess that will be a while to wait. Car works pretty good, but I think it sounds a little tinny. Definitely easier for Bill to get in and out of. Even with all the work Daniel and I did, it sits out in the driveway. Trina put it in once for me, but until we do a little more cleaning up, it would have to go in at an angle. Then, I'm afraid to try and back it out. Guess I'll have to go buy one of those windshield covers so I won't have to do so much scraping when I want to use it.

Had a good Thanksgiving with both gitls home. We went to the local high-class restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. Trina spent most of her time working on our--and her--computers. Guess I'm going to have to find a computer tutor closer to home, though.

Christmas was very low-key here. Didn't even put out my nativity scene or ceranic tree. Bill had Lita do his shopping, so I ended up with a Wii. It's fun, but hard to find the time for--especially since it is hooked up in the famialy room. We did that thinking we might get Bill interested in it, but doesn't seem to be happening.

J.J.Jamoke wasn't open on Christmas, so we picked up a ham dinner at V.Gs and had it on Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and the Sunday after Christmas. Had pizza on Sat. night. Was nice to have lots of leftovers. Let Lita take some, and have been eating them evety since. Will probably finish the last of the ham in escalloped potatoes tonight.

Trina spent her Christmas and New Year's in Dubai. Hopefully we'll soon be able to see some of her photos either on her blog, or Facebook--maybe both. :-)

Calander is already filling up fast.I don't use ink on it anymore.

Hope everyone's New Year is starting of right. May God bless each of you throughout 2010.