Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Well, I brought my Vibe home, but without the decorations. They (the decorations) are in my storage closet, but the gal told me it needs to be ovet 55 degrees before I put them on. Guess that will be a while to wait. Car works pretty good, but I think it sounds a little tinny. Definitely easier for Bill to get in and out of. Even with all the work Daniel and I did, it sits out in the driveway. Trina put it in once for me, but until we do a little more cleaning up, it would have to go in at an angle. Then, I'm afraid to try and back it out. Guess I'll have to go buy one of those windshield covers so I won't have to do so much scraping when I want to use it.

Had a good Thanksgiving with both gitls home. We went to the local high-class restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. Trina spent most of her time working on our--and her--computers. Guess I'm going to have to find a computer tutor closer to home, though.

Christmas was very low-key here. Didn't even put out my nativity scene or ceranic tree. Bill had Lita do his shopping, so I ended up with a Wii. It's fun, but hard to find the time for--especially since it is hooked up in the famialy room. We did that thinking we might get Bill interested in it, but doesn't seem to be happening.

J.J.Jamoke wasn't open on Christmas, so we picked up a ham dinner at V.Gs and had it on Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and the Sunday after Christmas. Had pizza on Sat. night. Was nice to have lots of leftovers. Let Lita take some, and have been eating them evety since. Will probably finish the last of the ham in escalloped potatoes tonight.

Trina spent her Christmas and New Year's in Dubai. Hopefully we'll soon be able to see some of her photos either on her blog, or Facebook--maybe both. :-)

Calander is already filling up fast.I don't use ink on it anymore.

Hope everyone's New Year is starting of right. May God bless each of you throughout 2010.


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