Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov. 229, 2010

Girls both made it home. Lita took Trina to Saginaw for her 5 o'clock flight, then went on to Grand Rapids. They decorated Bill's room for Christmas and gave us our Christmas gifts 'cause Trina won't have any time off at Christmas. Yesterday I went over about 6 p.m. and watched a couple TV shows with him.
Daniel came by for a few minutes tonight after school and put the stormwindow in the garage door. Checked my front tires and said they were a little low, but since I'm going to get new tires and my car aligned on Thursday, didn't go get them filled. Paid off one credit card, and now have to get the tires, and glasses for me. Never stops, does it?
Finally found a little food chopper that gets rid of the chunks in the cat food Tilly likes. Think I'm throwing away less cat food now. She used to lick all the gravy and other liquid, then leave the chunks of fish (or whatever). Now, she eats just about all of it.
Guess that's all the exciting news for today. Have a care plan meeting Wed., so might learn something new then.