Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Car is getting closer

Went down and paid for my Vibe today, but won't bring it home until it is decorated. It is a 2006, with thirty thousand miles on it, silver. When I came back from walking Toby, I discovered Daniel had put my little red Cavalier in the garage. There are still a lot of boxes on the shelves that need to be gone through, but there is enough room to park a vehicle.

Got the stitches out of B.T.'s cheek yesterday. Keeping him in for a few more days, and will be more careful to be sure he is in before dark from now on. Last night while Daniel and I were working in the garage a mutt (about Dusty's size) and a small beige Pug came wandering through the yard. We got them into the back yard and checked their tags. The Pug had two rabies tags and a Tuscola County license. The other had a tag with a Bay City address and a Caro phone number. Was only a matter of minutes before a couple of guys came by to pick them up. Sure glad they had tags.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oct. 25, 2009

B.T. has the drain tube out of his cheek. Next visit to the dentist, Bill should come home with his dentures. Drove my Vibe yesterday, but didn't bring it home. Almost have room in the garage for it, though. Daniel and I put the big old desk/? by the road yesterday and it was gone this morning. We took Bill out in the garage, sat him down and had him tell us what to do with the tools that were in it. Some ended up in his grandfather's old wooden tool chest, but many went either to Danel's tool shed, or in the recycle pile.

Beautiful sunny day right now. Think I'll go take a color tour of all the prettiest streets in town.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's getting better

Monday morning the shelter called and wanted to know if I was close to Grant St. A man on Grant had called and was quite upset because he had lost a calico cat about six months old. I called him, and he RAN over (because he didn't have a car.) It was his Delilah! Gave them a ride home. She was a sweety, but don't need another cat right now.

Took B.T. in to our vet Monday afternoon. He is healing, but have to call tomorrow and tell her that he is managing to scratch at his sore with his hind leg in spite of wearing the collar. Supposed to get the drain tube out Thursday, and the stitches out next Mon.

Daniel kept me busy working in the garage Sun. and Mon. (He's a real slave driver.) He wants to get it so I can put the the 'new' car in when I get it. Will be quite a feat, but I'm beginning to believe it might happen. Not sure if that will be a good thing. I expect B.T. will turn it into a look-out post. Maybe I can put his bed up there so he doesn't slide down and scratch the finiish. Just hope I don't drive off with him on top like I have with the cover to the gas tank a couple of times.

Going to skip a workshop tomorrow and spend the day finishing up finances and dishes. We're all out of bowls and spoons. :-)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The best laid plans....

Went four days without my afternoon nap, so was near noon when I got up this morning. Had planned to spend the afternoon working on checkbooks, bank statements, etc.Played my wake-up solitaire and got dressed. A young friend of mine came with her friend, bringing a calico kitty they had found in a tree down by the bank. They had checked the houses around there, and nobody knew where it belonged. They checked with the pet store and a couple other people who all told them to take it back where they found it and leave it.

I spent about an hour calling people and trying to find a place for it, finally borrowing a dog carry-crate and set her up out in our garage. When B.T. discovered her, it was growl, growl, growl--and hissss. I picked him up to quiet him and discovered a 50-cent piece sized sore on his cheek. (An abcess that had opened.) I called my friend Susan to come help me clean it. When she saw it, she was really upset. Didn't take much to talk me into calling the emergency clinic in Saginaw and make an appointment to take him in. Got him there at 10 p.m. They put him out, cleaned it up, stitched it up, put a drain tube in it and put one of those big circular collars on him so he can't get at it. I'm not supposed to let him outside until it is healed.

Also this afternoon Daniel came and we cleaned out the play house/storage shed. He tore out the kitchenette Bill had made in it, and we added to the pile out by the road that came from cleaning out part of the garage on Friday.

Got back from Saginaw about 2 a.,m., took care of animals and had snack. Scared to wonder about what might be in store for tomorrow

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Car shopping

Tonight there is a silver 2008 Chevy Aveo in our driveway. Tomorrow night there will be a shinier silver 2005 Pontiac Vibe in our driveway. Thought I really wanted an Aveo, but wasn't sure Bill could get in and out easily. Well, he does a pretty good job, but there is a LOT of wind noise, and the seats are unfriendly. You just sort of perch on them. It's like the car is saying, "You can sit there if you want, but don't plan on staying." When I sat in the Vibe, it put its arms around me and said, "You're going to stay, aren't you?" At that time we had already headed home with the Aveo, so I told the other salesman we'd be back tomorrow to try the Vibe overnight. Maybe should look more places, but..... We'll see what I think after I've tried the Vibe.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oct. 11, 2009

Last week end was Pumpkin Festival. My Red Hat meeting was the day it started, so had a gal make me a Victorian-type hat out of balloons. Wore it to our meeting Thursday, then on Saturday went down and walked all around the arts and craft show with it on. Was a ball!! Didn't buy either onion rings or elephant ear this time. Kind of felt deprived, but the slice of pumpkin roll with cream cheese filling helped soothe my feelings a little. :-)

Had some fun this week. Had a guy come out and ordered new windows for the original house. (The windows in the addition are still good.) We're going to have white vinyl everywhere except the living room. There, we will have a bay window with mahogany-stained trim. After all these years, I'm actually going to have a bay window. I can remember as a girl trying to figure out how I could put a bay window in Mom's front bedroom. This is bound to be even better.

Thursday I went to my Saginaw dentist, then took Bill to one of his doctors. In between we had lunch at Sullivan's. Was going to shop for pet stuff after, but we were both tired, so came home instead. Guess I'll have to buy some dog food here in Caro.

Had five babies and four adults in MOPS nursery Friday. Luckily a young gal was there who could handle two at a time. I took the one I was holding down to a dark room and put her to sleep. She was tired, but everytime someone made a noise, it startled her and she'd start to fuss again. Once I got her to sleep, she slept over an hour.

Today Bill and I drove around some car lots. Trying to figure out what to get. Bill kind of wants to get a 2009,, but they're going to cost more than I want to spend. Did see a pretty 05 Vibe. We'll have to see how it is for Bill to get in and out of. Also looked at an Aveo (don't know what year). Not as pretty, but I love that it doesn't have power windows. It was unlocked, so we know he can get in and out better than in my car, but it's still pretty low. Didn't see anything in turquoise, and the only blue one we saw was a 2010 Impala. Not quite what what I'm looking for at this point. We'll just have to see.