Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oct. 11, 2009

Last week end was Pumpkin Festival. My Red Hat meeting was the day it started, so had a gal make me a Victorian-type hat out of balloons. Wore it to our meeting Thursday, then on Saturday went down and walked all around the arts and craft show with it on. Was a ball!! Didn't buy either onion rings or elephant ear this time. Kind of felt deprived, but the slice of pumpkin roll with cream cheese filling helped soothe my feelings a little. :-)

Had some fun this week. Had a guy come out and ordered new windows for the original house. (The windows in the addition are still good.) We're going to have white vinyl everywhere except the living room. There, we will have a bay window with mahogany-stained trim. After all these years, I'm actually going to have a bay window. I can remember as a girl trying to figure out how I could put a bay window in Mom's front bedroom. This is bound to be even better.

Thursday I went to my Saginaw dentist, then took Bill to one of his doctors. In between we had lunch at Sullivan's. Was going to shop for pet stuff after, but we were both tired, so came home instead. Guess I'll have to buy some dog food here in Caro.

Had five babies and four adults in MOPS nursery Friday. Luckily a young gal was there who could handle two at a time. I took the one I was holding down to a dark room and put her to sleep. She was tired, but everytime someone made a noise, it startled her and she'd start to fuss again. Once I got her to sleep, she slept over an hour.

Today Bill and I drove around some car lots. Trying to figure out what to get. Bill kind of wants to get a 2009,, but they're going to cost more than I want to spend. Did see a pretty 05 Vibe. We'll have to see how it is for Bill to get in and out of. Also looked at an Aveo (don't know what year). Not as pretty, but I love that it doesn't have power windows. It was unlocked, so we know he can get in and out better than in my car, but it's still pretty low. Didn't see anything in turquoise, and the only blue one we saw was a 2010 Impala. Not quite what what I'm looking for at this point. We'll just have to see.