Saturday, October 17, 2009

The best laid plans....

Went four days without my afternoon nap, so was near noon when I got up this morning. Had planned to spend the afternoon working on checkbooks, bank statements, etc.Played my wake-up solitaire and got dressed. A young friend of mine came with her friend, bringing a calico kitty they had found in a tree down by the bank. They had checked the houses around there, and nobody knew where it belonged. They checked with the pet store and a couple other people who all told them to take it back where they found it and leave it.

I spent about an hour calling people and trying to find a place for it, finally borrowing a dog carry-crate and set her up out in our garage. When B.T. discovered her, it was growl, growl, growl--and hissss. I picked him up to quiet him and discovered a 50-cent piece sized sore on his cheek. (An abcess that had opened.) I called my friend Susan to come help me clean it. When she saw it, she was really upset. Didn't take much to talk me into calling the emergency clinic in Saginaw and make an appointment to take him in. Got him there at 10 p.m. They put him out, cleaned it up, stitched it up, put a drain tube in it and put one of those big circular collars on him so he can't get at it. I'm not supposed to let him outside until it is healed.

Also this afternoon Daniel came and we cleaned out the play house/storage shed. He tore out the kitchenette Bill had made in it, and we added to the pile out by the road that came from cleaning out part of the garage on Friday.

Got back from Saginaw about 2 a.,m., took care of animals and had snack. Scared to wonder about what might be in store for tomorrow